Stet, a troubled and angry 11-year-old orphan from a small Texas town, ends up at a Boy Choir school back East after the death of his single mom. Completely out of his element, he finds himself in a battle of wills with a demanding Choir Master who recognizes a unique talent in this young boy as he pushes him to discover his creative heart and soul in music.
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Tagline:Extraordinary talent needs extraordinary inspiration
Quality: HD
Year: 2014
Duration: 106 Min
Country:Netherlands, USA
Director:François Girard, Renee Burke
Cast:Antonio Manuel Nicholas, Dante Soriano, Debra Winger, Desi Mulcahy, Dustin Hoffman, Eddie Izzard, Erica Piccininni, Evelyn Manchester, Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Fernando Mateo Jr., Garrett Wareing, Grant Venable, Janine DiVita, Joe West, Jordan Fargo, Joseph Cardoso, Josh Lucas, Kathy Bates, Kevin McHale, Leigh Ann Taylor, Luke George Gardone, Mackenzie Wareing, Paul Jude Letersky, Richard Arthur Scola, River Alexander, Rooter Wareing, Sam Poon, Sejal Shah, Tijuana Ricks, Wade Mylius, Wayne Wilson