In this ensemble drama set in rural France, the women of the Paridier farm are left to run it by themselves while their men are off fighting in World War I. But things become complicated with the arrival of American troops.
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Genre: Drama
Quality: HD
Year: 2017
Duration: 135 Min
Language:English, Français
Director:Xavier Beauvois
Cast:Adrien Denizou, Alain Artur, Anne-Cécile Le Quere, Cyril Descours, Gilbert Bonneau, Iris Bry, Katia Henkel, Laura Smet, Laurence Havard, Madeleine Beauvois, Marie-Julie Maille, Mathilde Viseux, Michèle Lamy, Nathalie Baye, Nicolas Giraud, Olivier Rabourdin, Ophélie-Marion Debiais, Viviane Pavillon, Xavier Maly, Yann Bean