Gone Are the Days follows the story of notorious outlaw, Taylon Flynn. Aged, ill, and unable to reconcile the man he was to who he has become, Flynn is hell-bent on exiting this life in a blaze of glory. His plans go awry upon the discovery of the sordid life his estranged daughter is forced to live. To save her, he must summon the inner demons he purged long ago, and finds that redemption is a hard road to travel.
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Tagline:Save the last bullet for yourself.
Genre: Western
Quality: HD
Year: 2018
Duration: 99 Min
Director:Felecia Howell, Mark Landre Gould
Cast:Aileen Talamantes, Angelique Kenney, Billy Lush, Brent Chase, Burns Burns, Cait Chapin, Carter Hastings, Cheryl Rusa, Chris Romano, Christian Benz Belnavis, Danny Trejo, Gregory K. Worley, Jackson A. Dunn, Jamie McShane, Kayla Swift, Lance Henriksen, Larry Poole, Lee Ellis, Lulu Wilson, Marilyn Monrovia, Meg Chambers Steedle, Nellie Barnett, Nick George, Nicole Rodan, Nikki Pelley, Richard Hocutt, Richard J. Cook, Shawn Patrick Nash, Steve Railsback, Steven M. Porter, Tom Berenger, Tommy Hocutt, Wes Robertson